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Re: tlug: Glibc 2.1.3 out

>>>>> "AT" == Alberto Tomita <> writes:

    AT> At 00:21 00/2/26 +0900, you wrote:
    >> Since y'all seem to enjoy this sort of news, a new version of
    >> glibc is out. (I have no idea if any of the I18N stuff has
    >> changed BTW, just passing the news on).

    AT> Apparently there's nothing new, just bug fixes. We still have
    AT> to wait for glibc-2.2 to be released for a completely
    AT> internationalized library.

But it is available in packaged form to Debian "woody" users.  In
fact, 2.1.3 is already at Debian revision 5!  Absurd, isn't it?  :)

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