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Best Vine printer filter for Deskjet 850c?

Since installing TurboLinux 6-J, I have had problems printing anything
but normal text on my Deskjet 850C, which has always worked fine under
Linux before.  TurboLinux now has the Vine print filters (the first
time, I believe), so this seems to be a potential source of the

When trying to print anything else (printing directly from netscape or
doing lpr, for example), the printer activity light blinks
for a few seconds, the the problem light blinks amber.  Hitting the
online/offline button then causes it print one line which says 
"-r must be followed by <res> or <xres>x<yres>".

While I'm not at all knowledgeable of postscript or printer drivers,
that sounds like the filter is taking the postscript file in and
producing output that the printer can't understand.

None of the Deskjet drivers I've tried (the package is
vine-printfilters-1.59-3) have helped, and some of them which claim to
be for color deskjets (number ends in C) don't support color :-P

Has anyone else experienced this/found a workaround for it?  My next
stop will be to pull the vine-printfilters package and replace it with
the package from TurboLinux 4.2, which worked fine, but if anybody has
another fix, I'll try that first.  If not, I'll replace the print
filter package and report back on the results.



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