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Licensing Issue

> From: Stephen J. Turnbull []

> No.  It must be distributed, or the clause does not apply.  If it
> stays within, he can require NDAs of his employees and
> probably does not have to give them access to source.[1]  He can
> refuse to deal with third parties who won't sign NDAs, as well,
> although he has to give them source.

First, yes, I am not building software for distribution, rather I need a
multimedia platform with specific capabilities.  The work I described
previously is just a means to an end (unrelated to the software business).

Secondly, I note that there are commercial products built on Mozilla
(TopStyle, Netscape 6, etc).  If they are providing source they are
certainly not advertising it.  I was not able to find sources for either of
the above products at least with the cursory searches I did.

As for the mozilla license, I have not yet read it in full.  Whether I need
to provide source back or not is not a paramount issue.  It may be for this
forum though.

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