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Re: managing multiple window managers

>>>>> "Hector" == Hector Akamine <> writes:

    Hector> 1) Is there a way to make .xinitrc able to work with both? 
    Hector> (for example that it recognizes the computer in which I am
    Hector> running startx, or if it's possible to pass any parameter
    Hector> to tell it which window manager I want to start). How
    Hector> should the format of .xinitrc would be like?

You shouldn't need a ~/.xinitrc.  There should be a default system
xinitrc, typically in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/ or (preferably) in
/etc/X11/xinit/.  Since each box should have its own /etc, host-
specific xinitrc will be automatic in the latter case.

    Hector> 2) Which one is the command and parameters to start gnome? 
    Hector> (I lost it when my .xinitrc was overwritten)

Many systems provide a menu system which has a Window Manager
category with options to quit, restart, and start a different wm.
Find the menu config file; it should be in there.  Probably there's
one for GNOME.

And don't forget to file a bug report with your distro; there's no
excuse for automatically writing, let alone overwriting, any file in a
user's home directory, except at user creation time.

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