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RedHat Woes

Hi all,

I've run myself into a little problem and was hoping someone might have some

It started when I recompiled the kernel to configure module support. I
followed the kernel HOW-TO, and had no problems, including running bzlilo at
the end.

When I rebooted however, the startup stalled at LI
where there is usually LILO. I booted with a boot/rescue disk, and got
kernel panic, same thing when I used TomsRootBoot, same thing when trying
single user mode.

I made a "fresh" installation on the secondary hd (hdb) and was then able to
boot. When attempting to mount the original drive partitions, though, I am
only able to mount the original /boot and / partitions. the original /home
contained only dmesg.txt. Attempts to mount other partitions result in:
VFS: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock, or too many mounted
(I am using mount with the -t ext2 option for fs.)

Any ideas on how I can work through this mess?


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