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Re: Problem with running Xapps over a ssh session

You have to set DISPLAY env var on the _remote_ machine, and it should
contain <local_machine_ip>:0.0

Alternatively, you can run netscape -display <local_machine_ip>:0.0


>>>>> On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 15:47:44 +0900, Antony Stace <> said:

    AS> Hi I am trying to work out how to run an apps over a ssh
    AS> connection.  Following the file README.Ylonen which comes with
    AS> the ssh distribution I try and run netscape by

    AS> $xhost +noosa $ssh -n noosa netscape &

    AS> on my local machine(noosa is the remote machine).  I get
    AS> prompted for my password which seems to work and then I am
    AS> given the message that the DISPLAY variable has not been set ,
    AS> the error reads

    AS> Error: Can't open display:

    AS> here is what I see on the screen

    AS> [snip] [ antony]$ ssh -n -N noosa "netscape"
    AS>'s password:
    AS> --------------------------------------------------------------
    AS> Welcome to noosa Enjoy your stay!  DISPLAY=
    AS> --------------------------------------------------------------

    AS> Error: Can't open display: [ antony]$ [snip]

    AS> The DISPLAY line is set in the /etc/bashrc file and reads


    AS> so it looks to me that the DISPLAY varible is not being
    AS> carried accross to the remote machine.

    AS> Can someone please give me a few tips on how to get this set
    AS> up so I can indeed run xapps over a ssh session.

    AS> Thanks

    AS> Tony

    AS> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    AS> Next Technical Meeting: Sat, January 20 13:30- LinuxProbe Hall
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