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Sparc Report (1)

Well, fellow Sparc Station 20 recipients, here is my brief report and
update. I finally got all the parts I needed at ETS: 64 MB RAM (Y13,000), 2
GB HDD including a plastic mounting bracket (Y8,000), and a VGA monitor
converter (Y3,000). I rushed home and installed all the parts. Hit the power
switch, and NOTHING! Being the greedy person that I am, I did grabbed 2 last
Saturday so ended up pulling the power supply out of one and put it in the
other. Bingo, we got Sparcness! My next step will be setting a BOOTP server
on my Intel machine for installation purposes.

One stupid question: Do I have to connect something to the HDD? (e.g. power)
I noticed there is a 10 pin interface, but can't find anything that could
possible fit into it. And yes, I did connect my HDD to the appropriate SCSI
slot on the inside of the case.


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