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OFF: Apache variables

Hi all,

Not a Linux question (except that I'm using Apache/PHP4/PostgreSQL on a 
Linux box), but hoping I can get some help from you all.

Can anyone point me to a list of output from the Apache variable 
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE? I've looked far and wide and can't find one.

I'm using PHP4 to write a multi-language application. Once the person is 
signed in, I'll pull their preferred language out of the database and serve 
it up.

However, the login page, the registration page and the "I forgot my 
password" pages are all outside of the login. So, I'm trying to detect 
their language for those pages--if I can't find it, they'll have to settle 
for English.

I know English = en and Japanese = ja, but that's it.

Thanks for any help,

Rod Holmes
Head Trainer - AppComm
   p: +81.3.5716.4229
   f: +81.3.3483.2869

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