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Re: [despammed] Re: Linux-to-Linux copying?

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 07:46:53AM +0000, Neil Booth wrote:
> Christopher SEKIYA wrote:-
> > ... its version number is PI to how many places?  Five?
> I think so, but the last time it was bumped was 1992 IIRC.

Although it looks like it's going to have to go up again...

    Subject: TeX.web bug in \xleaders resulting in a missing leader box

    The current and older versions of TeX.web (including TeX versions
    before 2.6!) have a bug in the routines dealing with leaders.

    Example 1.  The bug is triggered by a simple example as the following
    Plain TeX input

      a\xleaders\hbox to 3pt{\hss .\hss}\hskip 45pt\relax b\bye

    Whereas one expects that there will be 15 dots---each leader box has a
    width of 3pt and is set in a glue of width 45pt---, only 14 dots are
    shown.  Instead of the 15th dot there is unwanted white space between
    the 14th dot and the letter ``b''.

    This bug was introduced by the change of (cf. ``tex82.bug'')

      255. Bug in \xleader computations (found by FY, August 18)  [1983]

    in TeX version 1.0 (sic!) where |lx|, the space between leader boxes
    was introduced without changing the termination condition of the while
    loop in section 626.

Unfortunately, Don only looks at bug reports every four years these days,
so it won't get fixed until next year.

Um. There is no David conspiracy. Definitely not. No Kate conspiracy either.
No. No, there is definitely not any sort of David conspiracy, and we are
definitely *not* in league with the Kate conspiracy. Who doesn't exist. And
nor does the David conspiracy. No. No conspiracies here. - Thorfinn, ASR

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