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Re: (mouse makes) Keyboard lockup

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 12:58:42PM +0200, Martin Minich wrote:

> one more thing to add: it was not only gpm, that caused the problem;
> also running X led to the keyboard lockup; but running X without a mouse
> (ie cheating in XF86Config about the device, not to be able to use
> the mouse at all) didn't led to it;

Did you set the mouse device in XF86Config to /dev/gpmdata?  If you're
running gpm, _always_ do this (and set the protocol to mousesystems). 
Otherwise you will have device contention problems that produce the problem
that you describe.

gpm is evil, though, and if you're using the machine primarily as an X
server it's not a good idea to run it at all.

-- Chris

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