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Re: Future of open source I18N [was: Setting Deafult Font Size in X]

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Breen <> writes:

    Jim> Sadly one swallow doesn't make spring.

I don't disagree.  Sure, Americans with ostrich pragmatics educated in
dodo schools of design are a problem, even if they're still Finnish or
Japanese according to their passports.

But the Europeans and the Asians are just as bad.  They just lipsync
"L'Internationale" better, since it serves their purposes vis-a-vis
them obstructory Americans.

    Jim> I don't think it needs to be that hard. Someone needs to
    Jim> write a book on I18N with Unix/Linux. Damn - I should do that
    Jim> myself, but I simply haven't the time.

Haven't written a book yet[1], but two articles ....

Linux Journal, Apr/May 1999.
Ch 28 of Professional Linux Programming, Wrox Press.

Not to mention $B%^%k%A%j%,%k4D6-

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