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Re: Familiar Distribution for iPAQ

Jim Tittsler wrote:

> and until this week's CVS kernel the
> LCD didn't always turn on immediately on "resuming".

Oooh, then until this week's CVS, Linux was compatible with Windows 2000.

Linux needed only one more thing to be compatible with the way Windows 2000
handles LCD screens.  That's crash the kernel if you enable acceleration on
some LCD display adapter chips but to crash the kernel if you disable
acceleration on some other LCD display adapter chips.

If I recall correctly, at one point it came close but no cigar.  Some past
version of the XFree86 server kept crashing and restarting in an infinite
loop, so you couldn't login on the console.  But the kernel didn't crash.
You could login over the network and set the init level back to 3.

> (Many of the key contributors to the development at at Compaq's
> Cambridge Resarch Laboratories, but for the most part they seem
> to be reverse engineering as much as everyone else.)

Oh, is that how Microsoft-compatible bugs got copied into Linux?

-- ex-Compaq employee who wasn't allowed to do
   any reverse engineering or any debugging

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