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Re: Anti-Reds at Red Hat?

>> From: Jonathan Q <>
>> Dennis McMurchy ( wrote:
>> > Maybe there's a special PRC version of RedHat?  ....
>> 1) TurboLinux has been in China for a couple years or so
>>    and is fairly well-entrenched, I would suppose;
>> 2) There is a native Chinese distro, Red Flag Linux, produced
>>    with the blessings (and, I believe, financial assistance)
>>    of the Chinese government.
>> Looking at those, it may be the case that Red Hat just
>> thinks it isn't worth their while to pour time and money
>> into Chinese support in their distro at this time, especially
>> when they'd probably sell roughly one legit boxed set

This exchange set me thinking about what it takes to assemble a Chinese
distro. Do TurboLinux or Red Flag attempt to restrict their
catalogue/message files? Presumably they are open source as much as
anything else.

I would hope that eventually whether a packager like RH had a "Chinese
version" was not really the issue of what to put in the CDs, as they
should all be there, but what language to have a manual in, whether to 

Jim Breen  []
Visiting Professor, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of 
Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
+81 3 5974 3880         [$B%8%`!&%V%j!<%s(B@$BEl5~30Bg(B]

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