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RE: Cisco 2611 as a firewall?

There are three levels of Cisco certification:

CCNA - 1 test.  basic stuff.  I have one, even :)
CCNP - 4 tests (routing, switching, remote access, troubleshooting).  More
in-depth, but still just multiple-choice written tests.
CCIE - this one is the big one.  Requires CCNA and CCNP as prerequisites,
plus an additional test, plus a 2-day practical examination.

There's also a CCDA and CCDP that focus more on network design, and exist at
the same level as the CCNA and CCNP.

Scott M. Stone <>
Senior Technical Consultant - UNIX and Networking
Taos, the Sysadmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Christian Imbeault []
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 6:10 PM
Subject: RE: Cisco 2611 as a firewall?

>configuring BASIC routing on a linux box isn't hard.  but ... 35 routers?
>they're probably doing something interesting... OSPF? BGP?

Actually they are just routers on a private WAN, one for each of the 35 
offices. I think the ip forwarding tables have only 6 entries.

>have you tried setting up gated on linux?  go take a look *evil grin*

I'll take your word for it!

>as for needing a physician's supervision to configure a Cisco - they're

Really? I had heard that getting Cisco certified was hellish so I just 
assumed that the router setups must be really hard.

Thanks for the info!

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