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Re: firewalling behind NAT?

>Back to the other question though, is there any reason that I would need
>a firewall behind NAT (apart from the geek factor)? And if so, how does it
>work, ie how do they come through NAT from the outside to attack my machine?

FWIW...I'm behind a NAT (gol/e-access adsl router/modem). I wanted one of 
my programmers in Canada to be able to access my LAN. He did all he could 
to crack the system (from what I understand, he knows a fair amount about 
such techniques) and gave up after several days of trying.

I have no idea if this will help reduce your paranoia, but maybe...

In my case, I wish someone COULD get through. GOL and E-access say it's not 
possible to change this, it's a hardware issue.

Have fun playing with your iptables. ;-)

Rod Holmes
Eight13 LLC
   p: +81.3.5716.4229
   f: +81.3.3483.2869

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