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Re: Further horrors of 'ksysv'

On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 07:12:58PM +0900, Dennis McMurchy wrote:
>   I reported yesterday that I had made the foolish mistake of using 
> the (apparently) alpha-code GUI tool 'ksysv' to get NFS started up
> on boot-up.  I mentioned the (not particularly critical) fact that,
> although NFS was starting up (I'm not sure that it's _really_ working),
> I was now getting unsightly error messages about 'atd' not being able
> to start up.

Sounds like lots of fun :) Not sure what ksysv is. I don't like GUIs for
admin stuff myself. Looking at your post from yesterday, I'd say to
check if /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/atd is a executable or a script. It should
be the same as /etc/rc.d/init.d/atd or point to it. The location of
these files might also change depending on your vendor. It seems like
the executable is being given the start command rather than the script...
Post more info.

>   I discovered tonight that something a lot more critical is now 
> BROKEN (!@#!!$!@!), almost certainly due to this misadventure with
> 'ksysv':  all my attempts to ftp in from 'VMWare' virtual Windopey
> machines are now meeting with rejection.   

So what errors are you getting? Can you do an ftp from localhost? Is
inetd (or other inetd type process) running? What vendor of linux
are you running? If it is Redhat try sending us the output of the 
following command.

# /sbin/chkconfig --list

If it is not redhat, then send the output of the following command (adjust
the path for the location of the rc script...)

# ls /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S* 

assuming that this is the location of sysv start scripts on your machine
and that you are currently running in runlevel 3.

It is likely that ksysv turned off a couple of things for you.

Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - - Testing -

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