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RE: Linux 8.0

that was a totally different product.  the TurboLinux: Redhat Edition and
TurboLinux: Slackware Edition pre-dated the actual distro.

This was a big topic of contention between me and Cliff, I didn't want to
call the distro "Turbolinux" for this very reason...

Scott M. Stone <>
Senior Technical Consultant - UNIX and Networking
Taos, the Sysadmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Q []
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: Linux 8.0

Scott Stone ( wrote:

> well it wasn't a COMPLETE knock off, we did change a goodly amount of
> (ie, we broke a bunch of crap in 1.0 and added some new icons), but it got
> more independent after that..

My first TurboLinux was pre-1.0, I think :-)

It said "TurboLinux edition of Red Hat Linux 4.2" on the black CD-ROM :-)
It used fvwm95 as the window manager and I think it even called itself
Red Hat :-)  This was in 1997, my first Linux distro.  

I might still have it some where, living as a drink coaster.
I'll have to look around for it :-) 


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