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blackbox and icewm

I am guessing that I'm missing something obvious, but....

I have two boxes, one running RH7.1 English, the other Japanese.

In the English distro, if I run blackbox or icewm, start kinput, open a 
kterm, I have no trouble inputting Japanese.

In the Japanese distro, however, though, if I start with KDE, kinput starts 
automatically and everything is hunky dory, if I start either blackbox or 
icewm, start kinput (which doesn't start with those two window managers) 
and open a kterm, the shift + space combination doesn't do anything, save 
move the cursor over a bit.
Not sure what other info might help--used the tar.gz source on both, 
installed both as root but in both cases run it as user scottro.  If, for 
example, I open kmail or sylpheed while in blackbox, they come up with the 
Japanese menu but again, I can't input Japanese.

(In the English version, can't input Japanese in those two either, though I 
can with Pine.)

Scott Robbins

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