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Re: RH 6.2 install causes screen to explode

Jonathan Q:

> You need to install probably all of your X packages. 
> It looks like you probably chose not to install X 
> during the install procedure.

Right, I chose not to (I think).  Sorry, but:

-- I thought that this is what people were advising me to do (assuming
that I used RH 6.2 rather than RH 7.1, Slackware, etc.), and

-- I don't know the difference between (a) that which is within
XFree86-XF86Setup-3.3.6-20j1.i386.rpm, and (b) X in general. (Did I
mention that I was a total ignoramus?)

So what should I do?

rpm -i [anythingstartingwithX].rpm

maybe?  No, that won't work: Xconfigurator complains that XFree86,
libgdk and libgtk are missing, and I haven't a clue where I can find

Every book I have here assumes that I install X while installing Linux.
If you could either tell me where I could start or point me to a
how-to-install-X web page, I'd be grateful.

Peter Evans

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