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Re: RH 6.2 install causes screen to explode

Peter Evans wrote:

> > Also, can you tell us exactly what graphics card you have,
> > appologies if you already said, and I missed it.
> None of you has any need to apologize to me. It's the other way around.
> Anyway, I have a Trident Cyber 9382 -- or so says the apparently
> authoritative

The Trident Cyber 9xxx should be supported by both XFree 3.3 and XFree 4.
I have the same chipset in my notebook (Well I don't know if it's a 9382,
I can't verify that at the moment, but it is a Trident Cyber 9xxx).

However with XFree 3.3 I had some trouble getting it to work because
you had to specify the right timings.

pgpkeyid: 0x9AC7E0BC
be calm..., be collected..., be _cat_.

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