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Re: re blackbox and icewm

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Q" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: re blackbox and icewm

> Scott Robbins ( wrote:
> > My other trouble (again, this is probably RH7.1J specific) is that if I
> > allow gpm on startup then startup of cannaserver fails.
> Do you actually use GPM?  If not, there's your solution.  I
> used to go with the default of having GPM enabled until
> I was thinking about it one day and realized that I
> had never - even once - used it.  When I'm outside of
> X, I have no need for a mouse, since I do everything
> from the command line there.  In keeping with the principal
> of not running anything you don't actually need, I dumped
> GPM and have still never needed it.

No, I've never tried using a mouse in text mode.
A quick background on this--I noticed that cannaserver kept failing.  A
previous installation of Slack had mentioned that gpm sometimes caused
problems with X.  So, resigning myself to doing interactive startup and
disabling various things one by one, I started by disabling gpm. Since then,
cannaserver starts without problem.
I've left it disabled, since I've never used it either.

BTW, the lazy man's way to disable startup items in RH7.1   Type setup at a
command prompt and among other choices you are able to configure what
programs begin at startup.


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