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Japanese consolefonts in RH7.1


Firstly, I'm assuming that I've correctly figured out the problem. When logging on in text mode, Lynx, for example, displays mojibake (Not on a web page itself, but in things like to download, etc.)  I'm guessing the problem is because this is a Japanese default language system.

In /etc/sysconfig/i18n it has the lines
and when the system boots up, at some point it gives the message default system font lat0-16.  (I'm not on that system right now, so I might have the font version wrong--that is, it might be lat01-16 or something, but it is an "lat" font.  Also  above those lines, it gives the default language as Japanese and the supported langugages.

However, when I looked in /lib/kbd/consolefonts I found no Japanese fonts listed, though I did see what I assume to be russian, etc.
Tried replacing lat0-16 with ucw16, figuring that that stands for unicode, but that didn't help. (Also, I left the SYSFOTNTACM alone, not really knowing what it is.)

I then did a search on google for Japanese consolefonts, but though I got various hits, I was unsuccessful.
So, this leaves me with a few questions.  I tried on google with Japanese consolefonts and the same in quotes.  (also tried i18n with various combos, sysfont, sysfont Japanese, etc.) I figure that the answer is out there, and I'm just not searching properly.  So, I'd be grateful to learn how more adept searchers defined their search.
Secondly, the obvious one--can someone point to me to a link with Japanese console fonts?
Thirdly, what would I put in the line SYSFONTTACM?

The last question should probably be the first.  Have I correctly figured out the cause of the problem?

I can work around it by starting X and running lynx or whatever in a kterm, but I'd like to be able to solve it without starting X.
Scott Robbins

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