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KDE, unicode messege files, non-unicode font?

I was wondering if it's possible to set up KDE in which the messages files
(menu entries, helo files, etc) are in Unicode but display them using a
noon-unicode font?  There should be some mapping for translations and
charsets somewhere, right?

I'm having problems, as I mentioned before, where the unicode font I'm
testing takes a very long time to render and is rendered each time an app
uses it.  This can be fixed by using freetype to render it but this is
only supported using an Xserver that supports the XRENDER extension and
therefore is not a general solution as the XRENDER extension is only
supported by some X servers at this point.

So, I'm looking into switching to non-Unicode fonts that render much
quicker.  Also, there are more free TTF and bitmapped non-Unicode
available than Unicode at thia point.

Marc C.

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