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Re: serial device

Can ou post a little more info please. Is this something you wrote?, if
so, what arguments are you using to open the device. If not, are you sure
no locks exist in /var/lock/ or elsewhere . The reason I ask is this, when
a program crashed, the Linux should clean up after it, un-allocating it's
memory, closing it's file descriptors, sockets etc so the serial port
should be ok to open again.

If you did write it, what is the value of errno when open fails, if you
didn't, run the program with strace and see what it is up to.


On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, David Eduardo Gomez Noguera wrote:

> I have a problem with a serial device.
> I run a programthat opens it, but it has crashed a few times and then the device appears to be left open, because the next time i run that program it freezes just before opening it.
> how can i fix it?
> or what can i do to make that dev reusable without rebooting?
> thank you.
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