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Re: [tlug] toshiba laptop antilinux

Pedro Jara Palma:
> (toshiba sucks in linux).

Not really; I had my Tecra working very decently with both Linux and FreeBSD.

Of course, I then went and bought a TiBook, and it's been downhill ever since.

> First, for the video card i needed to download and install a module from
> toshiba's linux support site and sometimes works well but sometimes freeze
> the system and sometimes splits the video in 2 even in console. Second the

Uhm, uh? I never needed a separate module. Use the svga X driver.

> sound, it has a ac97 from intel, that is recognized by the kernel but i get
> an error that tells something like "your sound card is supported by the
> kernel but you need to set up your bios in *no pnp hardaware support*, but
> this model dont have bios!!! incredible as it sounds, i call toshiba and
> told me that the new models dont have a boot BIOS

They're lying. They do have a boot BIOS, but it's very difficult to get to.
I think it's Alt+Shift+M at bootup, or something; I'm afraid I can't remember

> everything from the contro winXP panel. The network card works well..
Amusingly, this was the only thing I had problems with; I needed to use
the Intel e100 driver instead of the kernel one.

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		-- Aldous Huxley

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