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Re: [tlug] Dvorak on Linux

Yep. Imagine when the tarballs make it windows compatibility then the
market door will swing right open.. ;-0$0)

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        -- Joe Knapka


> [Charles Muller ([tlug] Dvorak on Linux) writes:]
> >> John Dvorak has an interesting piece entitled "Is Linux Your Next OS?"
> >> at
> >>
> >>,2997,s=1500&a=23172,00.asp
> >>
> >> As usual, there are some things in there that border on the outrageous,
> >> but I thought that some might find it interesting.
> The passage I liked was: "I think the Linux community might keep Linux
> off the desktop-just because of fanaticism. There's no bigger turnoff to
> most of humanity than to be associated with a bunch of scary lunatics
> or creepy nutballs."
> Obviously the `scary lunatics or creepy nutballs' doesn't apply to any
> TLUG people   8-)}
> Jim

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