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Re: [tlug] Re: File system backup / moving partitions


First of all I'd like to thank Jacob and Norman for giving
me ideas on partitioning and moving my directories. After
about a week of reading the man pages for fstab, parted
and tar, I made some partitions and copied the whole
filesystem over to the new disk. It seems like everything
is ok, and after updating fstab to the new directory
structure I can even boot into linux. There is only one
thing (so far) that I've not been able to fix- I can't get
X to run. I keep getting a "cant find font" error. I
thought that it might be a symlink problem, so I ran the
synlinks command and looked around, but even greping
'font' doesn't seem to help. X seems to be looking for
some .UNIX:7600 font or something like that. Sounds to me
like a socket. Has anyone else had this problem when
moving partitions  around? If you all have any suggestions
it would really help me out, as I am currently stumped.


Scott VanDusen in Sendai
(counting the days till golden week...)

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