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Re: [tlug] Mozilla - comment and questions

[Jim Breen (Re: [tlug] Mozilla - comment and questions) writes:]
>> Well I have extended my "WWWJDIC Button" system to support Mozilla.
>> The solution also works for Netscape6 and Galeon, since they both support
>> the document.characterSet object in Javascript. (The little scraps of
>> Javascript now test the page coding, and include a code tag in the
>> parameters  sent to WWWJDIC.)

I should have mentioned the URL if anyone wants to try this:

At present only the Monash site supports access from UTF-8 coded pages
(which are still rare), but the others will catch up at their local


Jim Breen  []
Computer Science & Software Engineering,                Tel: +61 3 9905 3298
P.O Box 26, Monash University,                          Fax: +61 3 9905 5146
Clayton VIC 3800, Australia      $B%8%`!&%V%j!<%s(B@$B%b%J%7%eBg3X(B

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