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Re: [tlug] Suse 8.0 & gnome updates

For those who are interested in the solution, those not using mutt :-) , 
here is how I did:
1) get a RedHat galeon 1.2.5 rpm at:
2) extract the missing components:
    rpm2cpio  galeon-1.2.5-1.i386.rpm | cpio -idv '*libgaleo*'
3) copy the 2 files in /opt/gnome/lib/galeon/components/

I know, it is dirty, but it works. I don't understand why these 
components are not
in the Suse package :-(


Bruno Raoult wrote:

> Hi,
> I know that some of you tried Suse 8.0. Did you also try to use recent 
> gnome packages?
> They are available at:
> I did (as I want to use a decent version of balsa & galeon, and as 
> compilation of these
> ones - especially galeon - is a nighmare with the billions of 
> dependancies!), and installed
> many of these packages, just to get the couple balsa/galeon to work.
> And it is fine!
> Except one - little - problem: When trying to run a mailto: link from 
> galeon (which is
> correctly defined as running balsa, in both in galeon & gnome prefs), 
> galeon complains
> about a missing library:
>    **************************************************
>    nsNativeComponentLoader:
>    GetFactory(/opt/gnome/lib/galeon/components/ Load
>    FAILED with error:
>    /opt/gnome/lib/galeon/components/ cannot open
>    shared object file: No such file or directory
>    **************************************************
> When searching google about this galeon-xpcom lib, it appears that it 
> is included in
> most of the galeon rpms. Not that Suse update, apparently. Does 
> someone have a clue on
> where it could be? Did I miss a package? Could I get it separately? 
> Could I grab it from
> the "standard" Suse 8.0 package? (I will at least try the latter, as I 
> have no other idea).
> PS. Compiling galeon is really not a good option, as I already spent 
> too many hours on it :-) 
> Thanks,
> br.

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