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Re: [tlug] everlasting directory

On Thu, 2002-07-11 at 11:35, Eric O. Flores wrote:
> Michael the find command shows the following structure.
> 212993 drwxr-xr-x    5 eoflores eoflores     4096  7月 11 11:27 /home/eoflores/Desktop
>  721427 drwxrwxrwx    3 eoflores eoflores     4096  7月 11 11:25 /home/eoflores/Desktop/dammed
> 1540097 drwx------    3 eoflores eoflores     4096  7月 10 15:26 /home/eoflores/Desktop/dammed/indx
>  704518 drwxr--r--    4 eoflores eoflores     4096  7月 10 15:26 /home/eoflores/Desktop/dammed/indx/indx
>  868359 drwxr--r--    2 eoflores eoflores     4096  7月 10 15:26 /home/eoflores/Desktop/dammed/indx/indx/esp.files
> 1671175 drwxr--r--    3 eoflores eoflores     4096  7月 10 13:39 /home/eoflores/Desktop/dammed/indx/indx/indx
> 1474567 drwxr--r--    3 eoflores eoflores     4096  7月 10 13:39 /home/eoflores/Desktop/dammed/indx/indx/indx/indx

2 more questions:
- Which kind of file system is it?
- Could you check the inode numbers of the impacted files (does
indx/indx have the same inode than indx iself)?

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