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Re: [tlug] DNS servers down?

Jean-Christian Imbeault ( wrote:

> How can I check if is a DNS server or not. Let me think ... I 
> did

NMAP it, ask the network admin, own it <g>, or do what you did:

> $dig
> and got back DNS info. Does that mean it is a nameserver?

Yes.  Whether it's just a caching one or a nameserver for the
LAN as well, we don't know, but it must be at least a caching one.
Since seems to have not terribly reliable name servers,
a good combination to assign might be to use
first, and then a nameserver at the ISP.

Does " is on the LAN" mean they are physically located there,
or does the ISDN line connect to their office and get out 
to the Internet through them?


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