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RE: [tlug] Re: command line

> From: Scott Robbins []
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: [tlug] Re: command line
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 08:31:32PM +0900, Shaw wrote:
> > 
> > does it blow anybody else's mind that there are people out
> > there using linux who don't know what the command line is?
> > 
> > or have i just been trolled?
> Don't think so.  


> For better or worse, Linux's user base has drastically 
> increased. I look
> at some of the stuff I wrote, firstly as a reminder to myself, then
> thinking it might help other beginners, a  few years ago. At 
> that time I
> would explain how to get an xterm. Now, I'll write, "At a command
> prompt..." or perhaps "Type the following..."

As you saw, I never even considered suggesting a command prompt.
Hell, my main point of having a GUI is so I can have multiple term 
windows open.  Oh, and Galeon too.  And what distro were you using
a few years ago that didn't require intimate knowledge of the command
line to get anything useful done? 

> So, it's not all that mind boggling. 

Speak for yourself.  I am severely boggled.


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