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Re: [tlug] "interactive" perl

"Brett Robson" <> wrote:

> From: "Josh Glover" <>
> > $answer =3D <STDIN>;
> encoding problem, what is 3D?

It is an encoding problem.  Someone did a MIME encoding of "quoted
printable" and someone else didn't do a MIME decoding.  I wonder why that

In MIME quoted printable, the equals sign is an escape meaning that the next
two hex digits are JIS Romaji.  3D in JIS Romaji is an equals sign.  The
command should just be:
    $answer = <STDIN>;

> (give me a break I started off with EBICDIC,
> that's +3, '3' with plus overpunch )

No it isn't.  +3, '3' with overpunch, is 3C.  -3, '3' with overpunch, is 3D.

My second machine was an IBM 360 with EBCDIC, though I didn't have to use
COBOL on it then.  I started off on a machine that pre-dated the 360 and
pre-dated EBCDIC, and couldn't run COBOL though fortunately it didn't
pre-date COBOL.

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