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Re: [tlug] Quick follow up on OpenOffice and Gentoo

On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 10:34:23AM +0900, Yuji Kosugi wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 08:06:46PM -0500, Scott Robbins wrote:
> > For those with an interest in this--as I'd mentioned, Japanese wasn't
> > working in 1.4 which I put down to various problems with the OpenOffice
> > and OpenOffice binary ebuilds.
> I've never tried the binaries, but I've emerged OpenOffice (from source, 
> not the binaries), kinput2, and canna after I upgraded to GCC3.2, and 
> Japanese works fine.  But come to think of it, I'm using OpenOffice 1.0.1,
> not 1.0.1r-1; I haven't particularly felt like building the whole package
> again.

I did, on an earlier install, try it from source (that is, Gentoo
source) wondering if, with cjk USE flags in there, it would work. It's
actually more a curiosity than necessity for me, so I haven't gone
through the next, somewhat obvious step of trying to download it from and compiling it. At work, and actually at home, I
primarily use it for reading things when vendors or others insist on
sending me proprietary format type things.  (Most Japanese that I have
to be able to read is either email--no problem with mutt--or on the web,
which I can do with opera.)





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