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Re: [tlug] & Japanese Windows wrote:

> On the site, I notice that on their download website,
> there is no Japanese version available, though it is listed:
> (under localisation project -
> -
> it says 'Fully localized - Sun internal')
> I having to distribute documents around a University project here, and
> want to be able to just ship them off in the format
> they were written (I use OOo under both linux and Win98).  However, I
> cannot recommend the installation and use of if I can
> not be sure the text input and such will work smoothly for my Japanese
> colleagues under their Japanese WinXP & Win2000 systems.  I want them
> to realise that the Open SOurce alternatives do offer the same
> usability, and will wait if needs more time.

The links are broken, but the mirrors actually have Japanese versions of 
OOo.  One of them is:

> I know very little about using Japanese text input on a PC, but I did

You need Japanese input method.  It comes with Japanese Windows, of 
course.  Otherwise, you need to download from MS site or get a thrid 
party alternative.  I heave tried old version of Global IME from MS, 
which only worked with MS apps.  Not sure if it can be used with OOo. 
Third party IMs such as NJWin and Unionway may work.

> Does anyone have any experience with on a Windows PC?
> Any known references I can go over or present to my colleagues before
> doing such a switch?

btw, OOo for MacOSX is under development and seems have no Japanese 
support yet.

BABA Yoshihiko

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