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Re: [tlug] dma timeouts

Quoth Botond Botyanszki (Wed 2003-02-12 11:37:05PM +0900):
> I get dma timeouts on 3 out of my 3 machines.
> This is my desktop machine (2.4.21-pre1 kernel)
> Next one, this is a dell inspiron 5000 laptop, also with kernel
> 2.4.21-pre1.
> Third one is also a dell, but an older inspiron (4100).

Boot up a 2.4.19 kernel on those machines and see if you still get the error
messages. I know that there are problems with IDE in 2.4.20, but I do not
know the specifics, nor if they have fixed them in 2.4.21-pre1.

I hope these aren't production machines. You should not generally run *-pre
or development series kernels on machines that need to be stable.

Josh Glover <>

Associate Systems Administrator

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