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RE: [tlug] hardware

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Evans [] 
> Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 8:11 PM
> To: Tokyo Linux Users Group
> Cc:
> Subject: [tlug] hardware
> Any names to look out for when selecting components for Joe 
> Schmoe's little workstation? (My requirements are humble.) 
> I'm intending to use SuSE, but nevertheless am alarmed to 
> read an apparently able and knowledgable person writing (on 
ml ) about hardware issues in installing Gentoo:

I recommend to stick with ASUS Motherboard and a basic soundblaster card,
and using SDRAM.  Do not choose the latest and greatest stuff, as they may
require special drivers which vendors only provide for windows.  Main thing
is that you put in plenty of RAM.  At current prices I think you can put
1Gig inside without thinking. For graphic cards, I think you should also
avoid picking the highest spec ones, just go for the one year old model.

If you have a nice component budget, I recommend the Windy / Soldam cases.
They are very solid, and of highest quality.  Its very easy to install
hardware, even extra fans and stuff, as the cases are cleverly designed.


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