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Re: [tlug] Routing to multiple gateways

On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 11:20:18AM +0100, David Santinoli wrote:
> One way to implement this would be to have iptables MARK packets
> differently according to their parameters (dport, sport...), then
> route them differently according to the mark they carry.  (You'll need
> the "iproute2" package for that.)

Ok, that's what Jim had in mind as well. Thanks. Btw, the iproute2
package is named 'iproute' for redhat distros.

> The "Linux Advanced Routing HOWTO" is probably longing to be your
> friend. :-)

Yes it is, though at 200+ pages (in lynx), I'm not longing to be its
friend. :-)

A. Sajjad Zaidi
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