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[tlug] Trying...(+IroIro)


"Open Office is *not* a text editor, in the truest sense of the work. It is a WYSIWYG (and WYSIAYG) document editor. A text editor is one that edits plain text, embedding no markup codes. A text editor can be used to edit code, HTML, notes to self, email (I am composing this very email in Vim, a popular text editor)."

Please note exactly what I said:

"Even though... as I write this, I'm thinking "I've got to find a decent text editor in Linux... I can't be writing only with OpnOf Writer....

I know there are several good text editors for Linux - can someone point out one... say Bluefish maybe?  I remember someone recommending that one before but I can't find it in any of the menus, although I suspect it must be in one of the six or seven disks that came with my boxed set of Suse Linux 9.0."

I fully understand that OpenOffice is "*not*" a text editor - thus my consternation and request for help in finding one!  Thank you for your two suggestions, and I'll do a google (or search for Bluefish I guess....

Actually, what I use for a text editor on EE-boxes is EditPad Pro, and they have a Linux version as well, so I should just buy that but I wanted to avoid any expenditures in what are financially tight times (for me anyway) - also I wanted to learn more about what's available within Linux already.

Incidentally, the core function of a text editor for me is... text editing!  What I hate about word processor software programs is the way they send formatting junk along with the text when you try to copy-paste from one application to another.  With EditPad Pro, the text I write and edit there smoothly copy-pastes without any garbage into whatever other program I want it to go into.


I didn't do either, did I?  I do want to ask a question here actually - I tend to put my own title to most of the things I write - unless it's a strict answer-only reply to something.  I understand about not using titles that have nothing to do with what you're writing about, but I'm not entirely clear on the opposite problem or if there *is* an opposite problem - that of having a different title too much of the time?

Now that I'm using Linux for my e-mail, I'll be shoving more text at your screens - I'll try not to be overly irritating (not an easy task for me!).



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