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RE: [tlug] KDE 3.2 in SId, but...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zev Blut [] 
> Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 1:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [tlug] KDE 3.2 in SId, but...
> Hello,
> On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 13:55:14 -0800, Jonathan Byrne 
> <> 
> wrote:
> > Yeah.  I like OS X quite a bit, but that menu bar at the 
> top instead 
> > of having the menu bar in each window is idiotic for the amount of 
> > extra mouse milieage and unneeded shifting of focus it 
> makes you do.  
> > I don't often say this, but WRT that thing, "WTF was Apple 
> thinking??"
> They were thinking Fitts's law: 

The thing that I have noticed since switching to OSX this year was that you
use Keyboard shortcuts a lot in addition to the mouse.  This is better
implemented than anywhere else, because it is so consistent across
applications: Function+N always creates a new window, function+c always
copies, function+x always deletes.  You can also find configuration settings
at the same place for every application: Top Left menu option, unser
Preferences.  This is very neat, and much better than Mozilla's Edit ...
Preferences, Firefox's Tools ... Options, and worst of all MS with IE Tools
Internet options, customize, etc ...

The shortcuts are neatly indicated next to each option unlike the cryptic
underlining of letters of Windows and Various Linux GUIs.

Yes I know you can make custom key mapping for each application.  But you
would have to put in a lot of hours to change all applications on your
system to have the same shortcuts!


> Zev
> -- 
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