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Re: [tlug] RHCE preparation

On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 01:06:54PM +0900, Blomberg David wrote:
> > How about corrupt/lost MBRs or data?
> yes but they usually have you rewrite the MBR

Funny thing is, the guys doing the training gave me a problem like that
by mistake (I was the only one taking it in English), while the rest got
something really simple. When I asked them about it, they couln't figure
it out themselves, though I managed to solve it nonetheless.

> >  Or misconfigured kernels? Problems
> Never saw that one. 

It's pretty common when you are compiling your own kernels and
experimenting with putting strange things in and taking others out.

Maybe one out of twenty times, you'll build a kernel that breaks and
forget to leave the running one in the boot loader config.

For best results, do it remotely. ;-)

> The NDA i read said I was not to list the questions. (I am not I am
> listing the basic techinques that are tested (same as the RHCE books do
> :) )

Ah, so desu ka? I'll try to keep that in mind. Thanks.

A. Sajjad Zaidi
iinix Solutions (
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