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Re: [tlug] Re: Fwd: Re: Suse blues-progress?

> Hi Paul,
> you simply _cannot_ succeed with linux if you don't read some
> introductory texts and experiment while reading. This one looks good:

Thanks.  I hear what you are saying.   Will check it out.

The rest is just comments...not so much an excuse as a statement of
perpective from one user.

 I should say that in spite of my difficulties, I bought the system so i
could just use the basic programs and was told that it would work right
out of the box for japanese.  The Japanese thing was a surpirse.

I am not as dense as I sound....Have used Apple IIs, Macs and Windows and
am proficient in the latter two to help beginners out.  But I am a slow
learner, with some learning disabilities where technical details are
involved. (failed math with a 23 average in high school)

I learn by a slow process of trial and error, and tend to misread
instructions, always looking either too far beyond the instructions
or,coversely, trying to follow them too literally.

An example--I have a web site, made the hard way, by
tril and error.  I never successfully learned html for much the same
reasons, but i tried and borrowed and stole ideas, and now when something
doesn't work, I can usually figure out where in the php script the problem

Back to Suse---> most things do work, despite the problem.  Maybe i SHOULD
have bought a Mac, but eveyone advised to go Linux.  So now I am "stuck"
with a 60-hour a week job and not much time to do much else.   I guess as
someone wrote, Linux will be what I want in a few years.

Until then, I just am curious why a "straight from the box Japanese
install" would work for some but not for others......

Anyway, will read the below reference--yesterday scoured the Suse
handbook, but while it told me about changing passwords, it did not tell
me i have two.

Oh,  I was happy to download a game's scenery and cars (Racer)
and--remembering what I do with Macs and Windows--managed to install it
correctly. Success.

But installing Flight gear left me unable to find it.   But that is a
problem for another day.  Will check out the link below, download the Suse
canna updates and see what happens.  Thanks for the feedback.

> Your questions are painful to read.
> Cheers,
> --
> Viktor
> --
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Paul Arenson

TokyoProgressive Editor

IndyMedia Japan Editor

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