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Re: [tlug] SuSE Updating / RealPlayer / Etc.

>BBC only supports the real media format.  There was some previous discussion
>on this list about real player and bbc, I think someone actually used to
>work for the BBCs Real audio section (so check the archives).

The archives... I've never accessed them before - I'll give that a try 
and see if I can.  I do seem to remember someone commenting that BBC had 
an opportunity to go to a better format but had unfortunately stuck with 

>It works fine
>on my current Gentoo system at work, and I basically stream Radio1 the whole
>workday. The same was true with the Suse 8.2 System that was running on it

Ah... I wonder if it was you I exchanged messages with a couple of years 
back - when I said I wanted to be able to listen to the BBC and you said 
that you were doing so and using SuSE... and you were hoping there would 
be more interest in SuSE so there would be more support for it?  Or was 
that someone else?  Mainly SuSE is working out well for me, so thank you 
either way.  Gentoo... I'll have to drop that in a search engine and see 
what comes up.  ///  Just did (  Hmmm.... the 
blurby text at the sight looks great.  Is it something you'd recommend?

>Go to the radio1 homepage and start the BBC Radio player.  On windows this
>would already start playing using some dodgy Java Script.  On Linux normally
>nothing happens.  But you can see a link that says "trouble listening? Click
>here". Do exactly that and then a dialog should open asking you what to do
>with the download file.  If you have configured the right helper application
>in your browser this step is skipped and realplay is started with the
>correct http link.  make sure that your firewall or broadband router is not
>blocking the protocol.  Real Audio uses a complex combination of UDP and TCP
>so check that your router allows these.
I'm listening to it now as I type this - but it worked out slightly 
differently.  I haven't been able to get it do anything when I open the 
BBC Radio player, but by clicking on listen icons elsewhere on the site, 
I get a dialog box asking if I want to open it with RealPlayer - I click 
yes (default) and it works.  Thanks for the advice, and if you have any 
comments about Gentoo, please toss them into the wires.


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