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Re: [tlug] Red Hat dropping MySQL

On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 06:12:22AM +0100, wrote:
> How is that? The great admin and development tools with bells and whistles
> run on windows, while the actual server software runs on Linux / Unix and
> provides command line administration.  These tools provide extra value but
> are not essential.

the point is that we do not want to use windows, hence windows tools do
not provide extra value for some of us.

> You mean PostgreSQL do not provide the luxury of remote administration and
> development from windows out of the box

i don't know, i don't care.

> Personally I have come to dislike the snobbish attitude of some PostgreSQL
> developers. 

i have not met any postgres developers yet, but so far most postgres
users have shown the same snobbish attitude and it's one thing that
turns me off of postgres.

though i must admit that i am probably showing a similar attitude when
it comes to comparing pike with other programming languages.

greetings, martin.
looking for a job doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training,
sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world.
pike programmer   travelling and working in europe (poland)
unix system-                       iaeste.(|or).at
administrator     (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org        
Martin B�hr

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