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Re: [tlug] using a cisco 2514 router to connect to the net

On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 22:34:44 +0900
gavin <> wrote:

> Tlug,
> I know this is a bit OT but I need some help. I just picked up a cisco 2514 
> router with 2 transceivers and a 1912 cat. switch all to be used to practice 
> for the ccna test! My goal is to get the router setup to get online.. Now.. 
> after checking the net via google I only see that the 2514 is good for ISDN 
> connection. I have B-flex!

Yes you can use it, B-Flets use PPPoE which means you need to have one
of the latest IOS images. So that is your first step. I haven't upgraded
flash, Cisco site should have details.

The next step is you need a working configuration. I will email you one
directly (for security reasons I won't post it here) email me if I

A 2514 is very slow only 3 mega which will seriously degrade your
B-Flets speed. You may prefer to put a second ethernet card in your
computer and use your computer as a router (Windows can do this), so you
will still have good speed, the computer will also do PPPoE for you
which will make your cisco config simpler.


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