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Re: [tlug] giving up on email

On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 02:13:04PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> But if you want to advertise Viagra, you have to say "Viagra".  If you
> first preprocess out punctuation and spaces, the regular expression
> "[vb].?[il1].?[a@].?g.?r.?[a@]" is going to catch all the misspellings
> of "Viagra" that I've seen. 

why not just run email through a spellchecker and mark everything that
contains more then your average typos and mistakes as spam.

in the long run this may also help to get more people to pay attention
to their spelling.

and then see if the spammers manage to compose messages that are spelled
correctly and do not contain any of the keywords...

greetings, martin.
looking for a job doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training,
sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world.
pike programmer   travelling and working in europe  
unix system-                       iaeste.(|or).at
administrator     (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org        
Martin B�hr

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