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Re: [tlug] emacs conversion of HTML Entities

;; use with the wrong emacs is an exercise for the reader; unicode
;; handling is not yet standardized
;; there oughtta be a way to do this in PSGML but I can't find it,
;; maybe I'll send this one to Lennart.

 (unless (featurep 'xemacs) (error "ooh yuck you've got the wrong Emacs!"))

 (cond ((emacs-version>= 21 5 7)
        (message "You have been living right!"))
       ((emacs-version>= 21 4)
        (message "The impossible just takes a few more lines.")
        (require 'un-define)
        (defalias 'unicode-to-char 'ucs-to-char))
        (error "This XEmacs was released before you were born.  Upgrade!")))

 (defun entities-to-characters ()
   (goto-char (point-min))
   (while (re-search-forward "&#\\([a-fA-F0-9]+\\);" nil t)
     (message (match-string 1))
     (insert (or (unicode-to-char (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16))
                 (match-string 0))) ; fail-safe
     (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))

;; Caveats: I think your entity syntax is wrong and the numbers you give
;; don't make any sense (U+0333 is a combining character, so it won't be
;; in the Japanese repertoire).  But it works for me with &#4E00; and
;; with &#FFFE;.

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