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Re: [tlug] cron and lftp problems

--- Josh Glover <> wrote:
> I put a bunch of "constants" at the top of my scripts:
> AWK=/bin/awk
> CAT=/bin/cat
> GREP=/bin/grep
> SCP=/usr/bin/scp
> SED=/bin/sed
> SSH=/usr/bin/ssh
> And then, my commands look like this:
> servers=`${CAT} ${file} | ${SED} -e 's/\t/  /g' | ${AWK} '{ print $1
> }'`
> for i in ${servers}; do
>   ${SSH} $i ${GREP} foo ${foofile}
>   if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>     ${SCP} ${foofile} $i:${foofile}
>   fi
> done
> -Josh

Josh, don't scare the guy :-)

Actually, variables are a great idea. But I don't end up using
them that much for commands in shell scripts. I find that if 
the script gets complicated enough that I need some specific 
feature of grep or tar that only exists in the GNU version 
(installed in /usr/local or /opt or ...), it is probably better
just to rewrite it in perl or python. 

Makefiles, on the other hand....


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