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Re: [tlug] list server accepting requests?

On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 06:32:45PM +0900, Christopher SEKIYA wrote:
> I'm not the intended recipient 


> (that would be the TLUG list,

wouldn't all the subscribers of the tlug list be the intended
recipients? if you send something to a list, then you usually intend it
for everyone to read

> to which I subscribe but of which I claim no membership).

is there a difference between subscription and membership in a list?

greetings, martin.
    offering experience: sTeam, caudium, pike, roxen and unix sysadmin
  doing: programming, training and administration. anywhere in the world
pike programmer   travelling and working in europe  
unix system-                       iaeste.(|or).at
administrator     (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org        
Martin B�hr

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