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Re: [tlug] Web-based edit/update software?

[Michael Smith (Re: [tlug] Web-based edit/update software?) writes:]
>> Jim Breen <> writes:
>> > As those TLUGers who read SLJ may know, I am slowly moving towards
>> > the semi-wikification of my dictionary, etc. projects. Ultimately
>> > I want to get them into the state of being "open" projects operating in
>> > some sort of peer-moderated environment.
>> I wonder if a Wiki system is really the optimal way to handle the
>> actual concurrent maintenance of a dictionary file. Perhaps a real
>> source/version-control system such as SVN/Subversion might be
>> better. Your moderators would each just have a local copy of the
>> file in a working directory, and check in changes when needed. You
>> could set up a mechanism to automatically rebuild/regenerate a new
>> version each time a change is checked in, along with automatically
>> assembling a ChangeLog. You could still have the web interface, as
>> now, for the general public to submit changes. Your moderators
>> could just work from e-mail messages or whatever generated by that
>> whenever a user submits a new word.

I really want the revision process to be in the open, even if amendments
don't go live until they have been signed off. It's important in
lexicography that the reasons for a modification, and the reasons for 
its acceptance/rejection/modification be visible.


Jim Breen                      
Clayton School of Information Technology,               Tel: +61 3 9905 9554
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia                  Fax: +61 3 9905 5146
(Monash Provider No. 00008C)                ジム・ブリーン@モナシュ大蛙触�

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